Schedule-A-I Non Schedule Item
NS-1 Reinforced Earth Structures
Providing and laying M-35 grade (using 43/53 grade ordinary Portland Cement) precast concrete facia wall (Area of each facia panel shall not be less than 1.5 sqm. Height shall not be less than 900mm, min 180mm thick) including design and getting the approval ` liner finishes as per the design requirements. PVC drainage pipes, 200mm precast cover facia for drainage pipes, joint filler, as per approved drawings, logo panels, geo-textile filter fabric for warping pipes etc. including filter media (500mm thick) behind the facia wall, drain sleeve in lower panels as per drawings and design, supplying and laying in position the specified and approved Geo- Grid soil reinforcement including cutting in required length, placing in position and connecting with the precast facia panels as per the design and drawings and direction of the Engineer in-Charge all complete with all materials, labour, lead and lift ,plants, machinery, taxes royalty etc. complete. Item to include all incidental work required to complete the job as per drawing and specifications.
The coping beam is not permitted and the top panels shall be casted in the inclined profile as per approved shop drawings. The cost of backfill between reinforced soil wall panels (except filter media) is not included in this item and shall be paid for separately , any ground improvement works for bearing capacity enhancement of ground (if required) shall also be included in the quoted rates. reinforcement used in precast facia panels is also included in the rates of this item
(A) The scope of work in the above item includes:
a) All initial layout and alignment of reinforced soil wall after site clearance and excavation in all type of soils, existing road pavement including BM, AC, WMM, WBM etc. for the construction of Reinforced Soil wall structure including all components like reinforcing element, Precast panel, etc. dismantling of footpath, planters, etc. as per the directions of Engineer-in-Charge and preparing designs and shop drawings giving levels etc. The work shall be started only after approval of the design and shop drawings by Engineer-in-Charge.
b) Approval of the facia patterns on panels including name of clients etc. from the Engineer-in-Charge. Nothing extra shall be payable for mock ups and trials of the facia panels . The approved mock up facia shall be protected from any damage during execution of the work, this will form part of landscaping works.
c) Filter media min. 500mm thick with stone crushed aggregates as per approved drawings from the bed level to the top level of the embankment of reinforced earth structure and behind the facia panels for proper drainage as per approved drawings and particular specifications.
d) Providing and placing 200 mm dia HDPE perforated Pipe (perforation at top half only) wrapped in non woven geotextile and filled with filter media, as per drawings for the drainage of seepage water from the fill between RS walls.
e) -All transportation, erection in position alignment and all incidental works as per approved shop drawings to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.
The reinforced Soil wall area shall be measured from top of concrete levelling pad at base to top of RCC facia wall panel for payment. No separate payment shall be made for any type of reinforcement, filter media, non woven geotextile wrappers filter, perforated pipe, Geo - Grid, levelling pad/ course for any of the item/ incidental work required to complete the item as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
NS-2 Providing, placing and compacting approved backfill material in layers as per approved methodology for reinforced fill portion and random fill portion in the approaches between the Reinforced Soil (RS) Wall panels as per approved drawings and particular specifications. Item to include 500 mm thick sub-grade construction as per specifications with CBR under soaked conditions not less than 6%. All incidental work required to complete the job shall be included in the quoted rates. The item shall be measured and paid for the finished volume of backfill and subgrade placed in position excluding the volume of filter media at behind the RS walls.
A) With Sand
Notes: 1.The specification and construction details to be adopted shall be as per section 3100 of MORTH Specification."
2.For compaction of Earthwork, attention is invited to clause 3105.5 of MORTH Specification.
3.The earth fill material shall be clean, free draining, granular with high friction and low cohesion, non-corrosive, coarse grained with not 10 per cent of particles passing 75 micron sieve, free of any deleterious matter, chlorides, salts, acids, alkalies, mineral oil, fungus and microbes and shall be of specified PH value.
NS-3 Providing and laying in position machine batched, machine mixed and machine vibrated design Mix Cement concrete M-40 grade (cast in situ / Precast including hoisting and fixing in place as per drawings and specifications ) Using 20 mm graded Crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in RCC deck slab laid to required camber including end cantilever, RCC crash barrier, Friction slab, RCC railing etc. including pumping of concrete to site of laying, finishing, using admixtures in recommended proportions (as per IS: 9103), if approved in mix design to accelerate or retard setting of concrete, improve Workability without impairing strength and durability with all contractor’s labor, tools & plants material (excluding cost of cement reinforcement and shuttering) Fuel consumables machinery, loading unloading, lead and lift complete in all respect as a complete jobs as per specification & as directed by engineer.
NS-4 Painting Two Coats on New Concrete surfaces (crash barrier and curb stone) after filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades
on new concrete surfaces."
NS-5 - Supply of Admixture for use in production of cement concrete as per design mix and in required proportion.
Schedule-A-II Non Schedule Item
NS-1 Providing and fixing hand rail over the crash barrier consisting of 16 mm MS base plate, embedded with 16 mm dia welded lugs,16 mm MS vertical plates etc. as per specifications and drawing enclosed with the tender document. All the railing components as mentioned above shall be painted with approved colour shade as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge including all primers and paints as per specifications. The thickness of plates are shown in the drawing. Pipe to be 65mm diameter (NB) (class B) G I pipe with a weight not less than 6.5 kg/m and conforming to IS: 1161-1979. Item to include all incidental works required to complete the work as per drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Measurement shall be made for all the material in term of length of Pipe.
Schedule-A-III Non Schedule Item
NS-1 Erection of Prestressed Girder on bearings with crane at site on sub structure with labour, equipment, T&P and all temporary arrangements, scaffolding etc. complete with contractors design and scheme for longitudinal launching/side slewing (not requiring traffic block) approved by Engineer in charge.
014110- Providing and removing barricading with the help of portable fencing along the running track where the work is to be done in close vicinity of the track. Fencing shall consist of self supporting steel angles of size 50 x50x6mm, 1.5m long provided with hooks etc. and embedded in CC 1:2:4 block of size 0.23x0.23x0.23m placed at c/c distance of 2m along the track. 12mm dia rods in three horizontal layers tack welded with the angle posts including providing retro-reflective tapes in Horizontal & vertical direction. Note : Released material will be the property of the contractor after the completion of work. Cost of cement to be paid separately.
011010-Earth work in excavation as per approved drawings and dumping at embankment site or spoil heap, within railway land, including 50m lead and 1.5m lift, the lead to be measured from the centre of gravity of excavation to centre of gravity of spoil heap; the lift to be measured from natural ground level and paid for in layers of 1.5m each including incidental work, as per specifications
011011- All kinds of soils
013120 - Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, rain bunds, if provided, platforms etc. with earth excavated from outside railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor at his own cost as per RDSO's latest guidelines and specifications and special condition of contract including all leads, royalty, lifts, ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or any other obstructions. The rates shall include all dressing of bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of profile, site clearance, removing of shrubs, roots of vegetations growth, heavy grass, benching of existing slope of old bank, all handling/re- handling, taxes, octroi and royalty etc. as a complete job. Cut trees shall be property of railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions of Contract. (Corrigendum- 1)
013130 - Extra for mechanical compaction of earth/blanketing material filled in embankment with contractor’s rollers of suitable capacity, type and size to achieve specified density as per specification, testing as per IS codes including cost of water, T&P, consumable material and all labour as a complete job. The work is to be executed as per Latest edition of "Guidelines for Earthwork in Railway Projects" issued by RDSO, Lucknow.
031010-Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified proportion excluding cost of cement, centering and shuttering - All works upto plinth level :
031011-1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
042010-Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for :
042011-Foundations, footings, bases of columns, raft foundation of washable aprons, Pile caps, Footings of FOB etc.
042013-Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies, FOB slabs, walkway slabs and access platform
042014-Lintels, beams, plinth beams, bed blocks, girders, bressumers and cantilevers
042015-Columns, pillars, posts and struts
042030-Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering wherever required with adequate bracing, propping etc. including cost of de- shuttering and de-centering at all levels, over a height of 3.5 m for every additional height of 1 meter part thereof in suspended floors, landing, beams and balconies (plan area to be measured)
041010-Providing and laying in position M-20 Grade concrete for reinforced concrete structural elements, but excluding cost of centering, shuttering, reinforcement and Admixtures in recommended proportion (as per IS:9103) to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer in charge.
041011-All work upto plinth level including raft foundation of washable aprons, HS tank, pile cap, footings of FOB and Platform shelter etc.
041012-All works in buildings above plinth level upto floor two level
096060-Kota stone slab flooring of size up to 30cmx30cm over 20mm (average) thick base of 1:4 cement mortar (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishing complete.
20mm thick
098020-Supplying and laying interlocking pre-cast CC block pavers of approved design factory manufactured of specified grade cement concrete on passenger platform, foot paths, circulating area etc. including setting in position over 25mm thick bedding layer of fine sand, filling the joints with fine sand, levelling including compaction as per IS:15658
098022-80mm thick blocks of M-35 grade for medium traffic
192010-Earthwork in excavation for foundations and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil upto a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge
192011-E/W in All kinds of soils
192030 - Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6 with graded stone aggregate of 40mm nominal size, in foundation and floors, retaining walls of bridges including mechanical mixing, vibrating, pumping and bailing out water where ever required with all materials and labour complete but excluding the cost of cement and shuttering as per drawings and technical specifications as directed by Engineer
192010 - Earthwork in excavation for foundations and floors of the bridges, retaining walls etc. including setting out, dressing of sides, ramming of bottom, getting out the excavated material, back filling in layers with approved material and consolidation of the layers by ramming and watering etc. including all lift, disposal of surplus soil upto a lead of 300m, all types of shoring and strutting with all labour and material complete as per drawing and technical specification as directed by Engineer in charge
192011 - E/W in All kinds of soils
192030 - Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with graded stone aggregate of 40mm nominal size, in foundation and floors, retaining walls of bridges including mechanical mixing, vibrating, pumping and bailing out water where ever required with all materials and labour complete but excluding the cost of cement and shuttering as per drawings and technical specifications as directed by Engineer
192040 - Providing and laying in position machine mixed, machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix Cement Concrete M35 grade (Cast in-Situ) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality in RCC raft foundation & Pile cap including finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions (as per IS:9103), if approved in Mix design to accelerate or retard setting of concrete and/or improve workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering shall be paid extra.
192060 - Providing and laying in position machine mixed, machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix Cement Concrete M35 grade (Cast in-Situ) using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the following Reinforced cement concrete structural elements up to height of 10m from foundation top level, including finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions (as per IS:9103), if approved in Mix design to accelerate or retard setting of concrete and/or improve workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer in charge. Payment for cement, reinforcement & shuttering shall be paid extra.
192061 - Abutment & Pier
192062 - Wing wall and return wall
192063- Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
192064-Approach slab at formation level, Dirt wall/ballast wall at formation level
192070 - Providing, driving and installing Bored cast in situ Reinforced Cement Concrete piles of specified diameter and length below pile cap in M-35 grade Design Mix Cement Concrete, using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality, to carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of casing pipe but including the cost of shoe and length of pile to be embedded in pile cap etc. complete, concreting by machine batching, machine mixing, scaffolding, using Admixture in recommended proportion (as per IS:9103), if approved in design Mix, placing with tremie pipe, chipping off of pile top to remove laitance concrete above cut off level etc., pumping and bailing out water with all labour material complete including crossing of tracks if required, as per approved drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge. Length of the pile for payment shall be measured upto the bottom of pile cap excluding the mud mat. Payment for cement, casing pipe & reinforcement shall be paid extra.
192073 - Pile 1000mm diameter
192100 - Conducting load testing of a single pile upto following capacity in accordance with IS:2911 (Part-IV) including installation of loading platform and preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. with all labour, material, tool & plants, equipment, machinery, etc. complete as per drawing and specification, as directed by the Engineer
192103 - Initial load test up to 250 MT
192100 - Conducting load testing of a single pile upto following capacity in accordance with IS:2911 (Part-IV) including installation of loading platform and preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. with all labour, material, tool & plants, equipment, machinery, etc. complete as per drawing and specification, as directed by the Engineer
192104 - Extra above 250 MT for each 50 MT
192107-Routine load test up to 250 MT
192120 - Pulse Echo Test (PET) for integrity testing of piles with contractor’s men, materials and machines. The rate includes cost of Inspection of site, preparation of pile head and any other unforeseen cost required for the test, submission of reports in triplicate as per satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge at site.
195030 - Centring and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for :
195031 - RCC Raft Foundation & Pile cap
195032 - Abutment, pier, wing walls and return walls
195033-Abutment cap, Pier Cap, Inspection Platform & Pedestal over Pier cap, Fender wall, Diaphragm wall etc.
195034-Approach slab at formation level, Dirt wall
ballast wall at formation level"
195038-In Bottom/ top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps haunch filling head walls or any other component.
201010-Providing and laying in position Design Mix Cement Concrete M-40 grade machine mixed, machine vibrated and machine batched using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the Cast in-situ Prestressed (Post tensioned) concrete girder / Box girders for spans upto 18.3m (centre to centre) Including finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions (as per IS:9103), if approved in Mix design to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer incharge. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, Admixtures, reinforcement, HTS cables, sheathing, anchorage cones, stressing of cables and grouting of the ducts will be done extra.
201011-With Soffit level upto 9m above Bed level
201014-Extra for increase in span by every 1m or part thereof for spans above 18.3m & upto 30.5m
201015-Deduct for casting of Slab instead of
Girders (for any heights)"
201020-Providing and laying in position machine mixed, machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix Cement Concrete M-40 grade using 20mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the Precast Prestressed (Post tensioned) concrete girder/Box (spans upto 30.5m) in contactor’s casting yard, including finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions (as per IS:9103), if approved in Mix design to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability, complete as per specifications and direction of the Engineer. Payment for Shuttering, Cement, Admixtures, reinforcement, HTS cables, anchorage cones, stressing of cables and grouting of the ducts will be done extra. Launching of girder/slab in position is not included in this item.
201040-Design, manufacturing, supplying and fixing in position elastomeric bearing pads under prestressed concrete girder, for Pre-cast as well as cast-in-situ girders as per approved drawing. The rate shall include cost of load test of one no. bearing from Railway approved firms and all fixing materials, equipment's, machineries, labour, taxes, loading, unloading, leading, lifting etc. complete. Rates include getting the drawing approved from Railway and cost of inspection during manufacturing from railway approved organization. (Note : 1. The rate is for finished item complete and paid only after fixing in position below the girder. 2. The volume shall be given in the drawing and no deduction shall be made for inserted steel plates etc.)
201050-Providing and fixing in position of standard preformed sealed and slab type or strip seal elastomeric type expansion joints for Railway bridge or Road Over Bridges as per approved drawings and latest MOST/IRC specifications. The rates are inclusive of supplying, fixing with contractor’s own materials, e.g. inserts, bolts, socket tubes, Neoprene sheet/cap etc., equipment's, machineries, labour, all taxes, royalty, all lead & lifts, transport, testing, surface
preparations, complete"
201051-For 80mm expansion
201060-Load testing of one or more spans of bridge as selected by the Engineer as per approved load test procedure following relevant IS/IRC/Railway codes with contractor’s labour, deflection measuring instruments, loading materials, recoding and analyzing the load testing results including all lead & lift, etc. complete as required. The rates are all inclusive and will be paid after load test is finished and girder is cleared of the Kent ledges/loading material etc. The load shall be 1.25 times the stipulated design load, based on design load & not span"
201061-For Span design load upto 100 MT
201062-Extra for every increase of 100 MT or part thereof in the span load capacity upto 800 MT
201070-Providing, fabricating & fixing in position to exact design profiles, prestressing H.T.S. cables of all classification made from Low Relaxation strands conforming to IS:14268–1995 in Prestressed Concrete girders/slabs etc. including supplying, cutting, making into cables with necessary spacers, colour coding, protecting with water soluble oil at all time, anchoring of cables, supplying and placing spiral corrugated type galvanized metal steel ducts sheathing made up of Cold Rolled Cold Annealed (CRCA) mild steel conforming to IS:513 of required diameter/thickness, vent pipe, placing, bending, routing, fixing, stressing & grouting of cable ducts with cement grout, Anchorage sets in required number with provision for future prestressing, if any including all lead and lift with contractor’s own materials, labour, equipments etc. complete as per drawings & specifications. Rate also includes covering anchorage pads with epoxy mortar of approved quality to avoid corrosion. Cement for grouting to be paid separately.
222170-Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts of
100mm UPVC complete as per drawing and Technical specification"
231040-Providing and laying water bound macadam with specified stone aggregate, stone screening and binding material including screening, sorting, spreading to template and consolidation with power road roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity etc. Complete
231041-Sub-base with stone aggregate 90mm to 45mm including stone screening 13.2mm size
231042-Base course with 63mm to 45mm size including stone screening 13.2mm size
231043-Base course with 53mm to 22.4mm size including stone screening 11.2mm size
231070-Providing and laying 4cm thick moorum surfacing (Consolidated thickness) on platforms, pathways, etc including spreading watering and consolidation with 3T Roller or light power roller complete.
233010-Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion (Rapid setting) complying with IS:8887-1995, spraying the bitumen emulsion with mechanically operated spray unit, cleaning and preparing the existing road surface as per specification
233011-On W.B.M @ 0.4kg/sqm
233012-On bituminous @0.25kg/sqm
234010-2.5 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of approved quality using stone chippings (60% 12.5 mm nominal size and 40% 10 mm nominal size) @ 1.65 cum per 100 sqm and coarse sand at 1.65 cum per 100 sqm of road surface and with bitumen @ 56 kg/cum of stone chippings and @ 128 kg/cum, of sand over a tack coat with hot straight run bitumen including consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10 tonne etc. complete, (tack coat to be paid
separately) :"
234011-With paving bitumen 80/100 heated and then mixed with solvent at the rate of 70 gram per kg of asphalt
237050-Supplying and laying precast Kerb Stone of concrete M-25 Grade 30cmx20cm (in section / including chamfering as per design if any) including fixing in 1:6 cement sand mortar and pointing with 1:2 cement mortar (1 cement :2 sand ordinary) including all excavation/refilling, ramming and other incidental works as required.
238010-Providing and laying Dense Bituminous macadam on prepared surface with specified graded crushed stone aggregate for profile corrective base / binding course, mixing of stone aggregate, filler and bitumen in hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material and laying with paver finisher fitted with electronic sensing device to the required level and grade and rolling by road roller as per specifications, to achieve the desired density, but excluding the cost of primer / tack coat
238014-50mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of 60/70 grade @ 3.5% by weight of total mix
238020-Providing and laying Dense Bituminous concrete on prepared surface with specified graded stone aggregate for wearing course, mixing of bitumen, filler & stone aggregate in hot mix plant, transporting the mixed material and laying with mechanical paver finisher fitted with electronic sensing device to the required level and grade and rolling with road rollers, as per specification to achieve the desired density and compaction, but excluding cost of primer / tack coat
238021-40mm/50mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade 60/70 @ 6.5% and lime @ 3% by weight of total mix"
238040-Manufacturing supplying and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2mm thick aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat activated retro reflective sheeting conforming to type-IV of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and silver white or other colour combination including subject matter, message (bi- lingual), symbols and borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to class-2 of ASTM-D- 4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm c/c to back support frame of M.S. angle iron of size25mmx25mmx3mm along with theft resistant measures, mounted and fixed with 2 nos. M.S. angles of size 35mmx35mmx5mm to a vertical post made up of M.S. Tee section ISMT 50mmx50mmx6mm welded with base plate of size 100mmx100mmx5mm at the bottom end and including making holes in pipes, angles flats, providing & fixing M.S. message plate of required size steel work to be painted with two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade and of approved brand & manufacture over priming coat of zinc chromate yellow primer
238041-Cautionary/warning sign boards of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 900mm with support length of 3650mm.
238050-Providing and applying 2.5mm thick road marking strips (retro-reflective) of specified shade/colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully/semi automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator on road surface including cost of material, labour, T&P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and in accordance with applicable specifications
238060-Providing and fixing of raised pavement markers made of polycarbonate moulded body and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens made of polycarbonate with abrasion resistant coating. The length, weight and width of body shall not exceed 95mm, 18mm and 105mm respectively. The lower surface of the RPM shall be supported with two nylon shanks, each of length not less than 25mm. Fixed to the road by using twin nylon shanks using bituminous adhesive on bitumen roads or thout nylon shanks with epoxy resin adhesive on concrete roads as per tions of Engineer Incharge. The RPM should conform to the quality standards as laid down in IR Standard Specifications
241010-Supplying at site
241018-MS angle posts/struts of required size including bottom to be split and bent at right angle in opposite direction for 10cm length and drilling holes upto 10mm dia.
etc. complete
242060-Providing 1.8m high fencing with 2.4m angle iron 50mmx50mmx6mm posts placed every 3m centre to centre embedded in cement concrete blocks every 15th posts (or nearer if there is abrupt change of ground slope) last but one end post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end posts on one side only, and struts embedded in cement concrete blocks and provided with 7 horizontal lines and two diagonals interwoven with horizontal GI barbed wires of barbed wire 9.38 kg/100m (min) between the two posts fitted and fixed with G.I. staples, turn buckles etc. complete (cost of posts, struts and concrete to be paid for separately)
81410-Steel work welded in built-up sections / framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required
81412-In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladders, railings, brackets, gates and similar works
81421-M.S. tube (medium) 40mm nominal bore
Any items of USSOR 2012 of EC Rly, which are not covered in above schedule – A, Schedule B-I to B-VIII, Schedule C-I & C-II,
33060-Supplying and using Cement at worksite:
33061-Ordinary Portland Cement Grade - 43
45010-Supplying reinforcement for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete:
45016-Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars 500D"
Note: The contractor shall quote the rate for TMT Bars of Grade 500D"
Note for Stage Payment:
i) The material shall be delivered at site and properly stored under covered sheds in measurable stacks"
"ii) The quantities of materials shall be brought to the site only in such instalments that would facilitate smooth progress of work and consumed in reasonable time.
iii) Proper accountal in the material register to be maintained in the prescribed format at the site for the receipt and use of the material.
iv) Ownership of such material shall be deemed to vest with the DFCCIL for which the contractor should submit an indemnity bond in prescribed format
v) Before releasing the stage payment, the contractor shall insure the material at his own cost in favour of DFCCIL against theft, damages, fire etc.
vi) Stage payment in all such cases not be more than 75% of the rate of steel awarded in the contract. The balance payment shall be released only after the material is actually consumed in the work."
vii) The price variation claim for steel would continue to be governed as per extant PV clause and with reference to delivery at site.
Stage Payment for Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars 500D-75%
Consumed Thermo-Mechanically Treated Bars 500D-25%