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Building Materials and Construction

1 A heavy stone is suitable for-retaining walls.

2 The stone suitable for rubble masonry should be-hard.

3 A good building stone should not absorb water more than-5%.

4 Jumper is a tool used for-quarrying of stones.

5 Crushing strength of a good building stone. should be more than-100 Mpa.

6 Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between-2.5 to 3.0.

7 Spalling hammer is used for- rough dressing of stones.

8 Cross cut saw is used for-cutting hard stones.

9 Sapwood consists of portion of timber between heartwood and cambium layer

10 First class timber has an average life of-more than 10 years.

11 A first class brick when immersed in cold water for 24 hours should not absorb

water more than-20%.

12 Crushing strength of a first class brick should not be less than-10.5 N/mm^2.

13 The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between-20 to 30%.

14 The nominal size of the modular brick is-200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm.

15 Percentage of silica in a good brick earth lies between-50 to 60%.

16 Excess of silica in brick earth results in-loss of cohesion.

17 The process of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known


18 Pug mill is used for-preparation of clay.

19 Which of the following bricks are used for lining of furnaces -refractory bricks.

20 The frog of the brick in a brick masonry is generally kept on-top face.

21 Number of bricks required for one cubic metre of brick masonry is-500.

22 Glazing is used to make earthenware-impervious.

23 Quick lime is- calcium oxide.

24 Hydraulic lime is obtained by-burning of kankar.

25 The main ingredients of Portland cement are-lime and silica.

26 Le Chatelier's device is used for determining the-soundness of cement.

27 The main constituent of cement which is responsible for initial setting of cement is-tricalcium aluminate.

28 The initial setting time for ordinary Portland cement as per IS specifications

should not be less than-30 minutes.

29 As per IS specifications, the maximum final setting time for ordinary Portland

cement should be-10 hours.

30 For testing compressive strength of cement, the size of cube used is-50 mm.

31 The normal consistency of ordinary Portland cement is about-30%.

32 After storage, the strength of cement-decreases.

33 According to IS specifications, the compressive strength of ordinary portland

cement after three days should not be less than-16 Mpa.

34 Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland cement increases-shrinkage.

35 Gypsum consists of-CaS04 and H20.

36 The slump recommended for mass concrete is about-25 mm to 50 mm.

37 Which of the following cements is suitable for use in massive concrete structures such as large dams-low heat cement.

38 The most common admixture which is used to accelerate the initial set of concrete is-calcium chloride.

39 The basic purpose of a retarder in concrete is-to increase the initial setting time of cement paste in concrete.

40 The most commonly used retarder in cement is-gypsum.

41 Which of the following gradients exerts maximum influence on properties of steel-carbon.

42 Which of the following is the purest form of iron-wrought iron.

43 The ultimate tensile strength of structural mild steel is about-420 N/mm²

44 Percentage of carbon content in mild steel is-less than 0.25.

45 Which of the following stresses is used for identifying the quality of structural steel -yield stress.

46 The amount of water used for one kg of distemper is-0.6 litre.

47 Expansion Joints in masonry walls are provided in wall lengths greater than 40 m.

48 The type of bond provided in brick masonry.for carrying heavy loads is-English bond.

49 A mortar joint in masonry which is normal to the face of wall is known as-cross joint.

50 The slendemess ratio for masonry walls should not be more than-20.

51 The proportions of lime and sand in the mortar normally used in brick construction-1:2.

52 The differential settlement in case of foundations on sandv soils should not


53 In case of foundations on black cotton soils, the most suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of soils is to-replace the poor soil.

54 The type of footing which is used to transmit heavy loads through steel columns is-grillage foundation.

55 The maximum total settlement for isolated foundations on clayey soils should be limited to-65mm.

56 The bearing capacity of a water logged soil can be improved by-draining the soil.

57 The maximum number of steps in a flight should generally be restricted to-12.

58 The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than-3.

59 Sum of tread and rise must lie between 400 to 450.

60 Half turn stairs are the stairs which change their direction through-180.

61 Doglegged stairs are-half turn stairs .

62 Which of the following mortar is most suitable for construction work in waterlogged areas -cement mortar.

63 After addition of cement, the gauged mortar should be used within-1-2 hour.

64 What is efflorescence-Formation of white patches on the brick surface due to insoluble salts in the brick clay.

65 Vanadium steel is normally used in the manufacture of-axles and springs.

66 Neoprene is suitable for use in-bearings of bridges.

67 Seasoning of timber results in-increased strength,increased durability

68 Timber can be made more fire resistant by-Sir Abel's process.

69 Distemper is used to coat-interior surfaces not exposed to weather.

70 Putty is made up of-powered chalk and raw linseed oil.

71 The compacting factor test of cement concrete determines its-workability.

72 For good bonding in brick masonry-the vertical joints in alternate courses

should fall in plumb.

73 A good brick, when immersed in water bath for 24 hours, should not absorb more than-20% of its dry weight.

74 For complete hydration of cement the w/c ratio needed is-more than 0.35 but less than 0.45.

75 The ratio of Young's modulus of high tensile steel to that of mild steel is about-1.0.

76 King closers are related to-brick masonry.

77 The temperature range in a cement kiln is-1300 to l500°C.

78 Before testing setting time of cement one should test for-consistency.

79 Surkhi is added to lime mortar to-impart hydraulicity.

80 Increase in fineness of cement-increases the rate of strength development and leads to higher shrinkage.

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