281. For prestressed structural elements, high strength concrete is used primarily
because of high modulus of elasticity and low creep.
282. Prestressed concrete is more desirable in case of cylindrical pipe subjected to internal fluid pressure
283. Yield line theory results in upper bound solution
284. If the nominal shear stress (𝜏v) at a section does not exceed the permissible shear stress (𝜏c)
minimum shear reinforcement is still provided
285. Consider the following statements concerning both the working stress design and ultimate strength design of reinforced concrete.
1. Plane section before bending remains plane after bending
2. The tensile strength of concrete is ignored
286. In limit state design, permissible bond stress in the case of deformed bars is more than that in plain bars by 60%
287. If fcu and fy are cube compressive strength of concrete and yield stress of_ steel respectively and Es is the modulus of elasticity of steel, for all grades of
concrete, the ultimate flexural strain in concrete can be taken as 0.0035
288. Limit state of serviceability for deflection including the effects due to creep,
shrinkage and temperature occurring after erection of partitions and application of finishes as applicable to floors and roofs is restricted to Span/350
289. Shrinkage deflections in case of rectangular beams and slabs can be
eliminated by putting compression steel equal to tensile steel
290. In case of 2-way slab, the limiting deflection of the slab is primarily a function of the short span
291. From limiting deflection point of view, use of high strength steel in RC beam
results in increase in depth
292. For maximum sagging bending moment at support in a continuous RC beam, live load should be placed on spans next to the adjacent spans of the
support plus alternate spans
293. Design of one-way RC slabs for concentrated load is done by taking slab strip of width effective in resisting the load
294. In Pigeaud's coefficient method for the analysis of an interior panel of a T-beam bridge the applicability is restricted, to the case when the wheel load is centrally placed
295. A T-beam roof section has the following particulars 1500 mm

297.Minimum percentage area of HYSD reinforcement in a 150 mm thick water tank wall is 0.23
298. In a load balanced prestressed concrete beam under self load the cross-section is subjected to axial and shear stress
299. A prestressed concrete beam 150 mm x 300 mm supports a live load of 5 kN/m over a simple span of 8 m. It has a parabolic cable having an eccentricity of
75 mm at mid span and zero at the ends. The prestressing force required to
maintain the net resultant stress at the bottom fibre at mid span as zero under the action of D.L. + L.L. + prestress is 392 kN
300. A partially prestressed member is one in which tensile stresses and cracking are permitted under service loads.