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Updated: Apr 1, 2020


To determine the in-situ dry density of soil by core cutter method

as per IS: 2720 (Part XXIX) - 1975.



i) Cylindrical core cutter

ii) Steel dolley

iii) Steel rammer

iv) Balance, with an accuracy of 1g

v) Straightedge

vi) Square metal tray - 300mm x 300mm x 40mm

vii) Trowel


i) The internal volume (V) of the core cutter in cc should be

calculated from its dimensions which should be measured to

the nearest 0.25mm.

ii) The core cutter should be weighed to the nearest gram (W1).

iii) A small area, approximately 30cm square of the soil layer to

be tested should be exposed and levelled. The steel dolly

should be placed on top of the cutter and the latter should

be rammed down vertically into the soil layer until only about

15mm of the dolly protrudes above the surface, care being

taken not to rock the cutter. The cutter should then be dug

out of the surrounding soil, care being taken to allow some

soil to project from the lower end of the cutter. The ends of

the soil core should then be trimmed flat in level with the

ends of the cutter by means of the straightedge.

iv) The cutter containing the soil core should be weighed to the

nearest gram (W2).

v) The soil core should be removed from the cutter and a

representative sample should be placed in an air-tight

container and its water content (w)


Average of at least three determinations should be reported to

the second place of decimal in g/cc.

A sample proforma for the record of the test results is given in


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