61. The process in which the chlorination is done beyond the break point is known as super chlorination
62. The percentage of chlorine in fresh bleaching powder is about
30 to 35
63. The treatment of water with bleaching powder is known as
64. The suitable method for disinfection of swimming pool water is ultra violet rays treatment
65. Which of the following chemical com pounds can be used; for dechlorination of water ? sulphur dioxide
66. In chlorination, with the rise in temperature of water, death rate of bacteria
67. As compared to higher pH values, the contact period required for efficient
chlorination at lower pH values is smaller
68. Disinfection efficiency is reduced at higher pH value of water
69. In lime-soda process lime reduces the carbonate hardness and soda-ash removes the non-carbonate hardness
70. The major disadvantage of lime soda process of water softening is that huge amount of precipitate is formed which creates a disposal problem
71. Which of the following compounds is widely used for algae control ?
copper sulphate
72. Activated carbon is used for removing odours
73. As compared to cast iron pipes, steel pipes are stronger
74. The suitable layout of a distribution system for irregularly growing town is
dead end system
75. The layout of distribution system in which water flows towards the outer periphery is radial system
76. The suitable layout of distribution system fox a city with roads of rectangular pattern is grid iron system
77. The commonly used material for watersupply pipes, which has the properties of being strong, not easily corroded and long life but is heavy and brittle is
cast iron
78. Hardy cross method of analysis of distribution system
involves successive trials,is time consuming
79. The method of analysis of distribution system in which the domestic supply is
neglected and fire demand is considered is circle method
80. Which of the following methods of analysis of water distribution system is
most suitable for long and narrow pipe system ? equivalent pipe method