301.In the set up shown in Fig, assuming the specific weight of water as 10,000
N/m³ the pressure difference between the points A and B will be
-10 N/m²
302 .Pumps in series operation allow the head to increase
Pumps in parallel operation increase the flow rate.
303. Which one of the following can be a set of velocity components of a two-dimensional flow? u = x + y and v = x - y
304 Specific Speed
A. Pelton 25
B. Propeller 900
C. Kaplan 800
D. Francis 75
305. The height of a hydraulic jump in a stilling pool was found to be 10 cm in a
model with lₚ/lₘ =36. The prototype jump height would be 3.6 m
306. To generate 10,000 hp under a head of 81 m while working at a speed of
500 rpm, the turbine of choice would be Francis
307 Runaway speed of a turbine is generally 180% of normal speed
Underground power stations are suited to areas susceptible to land slides
308. A pressure increase of 200 N/cm² increases the density of water by 0.1%.
The bulk modulus of elasticity of water is equal to 2 GN/m²
309. A Bourdon gauge measures the pressure at a point relative to the local atmospheric pressure and not relative to the standard atmospheric pressure
310. A slab of wood 4 m by 4 m by 1 m (height), specific gravity 0.50 floats in
water with 400 kg mass on it. The volume of the slab submerged , in cubic metres, is 8.4
311. Two small circular orifices of diameters d₁ and d₂ respectively are placed on one side of a tank at depths of 25 cm and 1 m below a constant surface of water. If the discharges through the orifices are the same, then the ratio of the diameter d₁ and d₂ will be √2:1
312. The streamlines of a flow net are concentric circles. If the velocity at a
radius of 0.6 m is 2.7 m/s, the velocity at a radius of 0.9 m will be 1.8 m/s
313.The following stream function will represent/satisfy
irrotational flow, Laplace equation and equation of continuity
314. Streamlines and equipontential lines are orthogonal wherever they meet
315. The time required to empty a concrete tank through a rectangular weir at the side from a head of 16 cm to 8 cm over the crest was found to be 16 minutes. The
time required to empty it further up to the crest will be Infinite
316. If two geometrically similar models having a scale ratio Lᵣ are operated in a
given laboratory at the same Froude number, then all the corresponding
accelerations will be in the ratio of l
317. In the distored model of a river, the horizontal and vertical scale ratios are Lₕ
and Lᵥ respectively. The discharge ratio will be
Lₕ Lᵥ³/²
319. At the same mean velocity, the ratio of head loss per unit length for a sewer pipe flowing full to that for the same pipe flowing half full would be 1.0
320. The velocity of a pressure wave in water hammer is equal to the velocity of sound in water. Is this statement correct ?
No, because, the elasticity of the pipe reduces the velocity of the pressure