1.Highway Development and Planning
Nagpur Road Plan or First 20 year Road plan
Second Twenty Year Road Plan (1961-81)
Some important years
Important Recommendations
Three Road Development Plan
Different Road patterns
Rectangular and Block pattern
Star and block pattern
Star and grid pattern
Star and circular pattern
Hexagonal road pattern
2.Highway Geometric Design
Stopping Sight Distance (SSD)
Overtaking sight Distance (OSD)
Overtaking Zone
Super Elevation(e)
Ruling radius of the Curve (Rruling)
Extra Widening (EW)
Transition curve
Set Back Distance (m)
Vertical Curve
3.Traffic Engineering
Theoretical maximum capicity,(c)
Passenger Car Unit
Accident Studies
Design of Signal
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT or ADT)
Space Mean Speed
Time mean speed
Speed and delay by floating car method
Relationship between speed,travel time,volume,density & capacity
Capacity flow or maximum flow ,(qmax)
Rotary Intersection
Parking Facilities
Highway Lighting
Trip Distribution
4.Highway Material
Group Index of soil (G.I)
Plate bearing test
California bearing Ratio (CBR) Test
Test for Road Aggrigate
Bituminous Mixes
Marshall Mehod Bituminous Mix Design
Hveem Method of Bituminous mix Design Stablimeter value
Cohesiometer Value, (c)
5.pavement Design
Flexible pavements
method of Flexible Pavement Design
Rigid Pavement
Design of Joints in Cement Concrete Pavements
IRC recommendations for design of cement concrete pavement
6.Highway Maintenance
Flexible Overlay Over Flexible Pavement by Conventional
Design method
Aalysis of Data
Standard Deviation of Deflection
Characterstic Deflection
Overlay Thickness Design
Rigid Overlay Rigid Pavement
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