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Important Html tag

Updated: Jan 10, 2021

<!–- -–> For commenting out sections of HTML or placing comments within HTML. Anything between <!-- and --> wont be rendered as text when the page loads in a web browser, but will still be visible if looking at the plain 'ol HTML file in a text editor.

1. <!DOCTYPE html> Basically tells the browser what kind of document we're loading. This page, for example, starts things off with <!DOCTYPE html>

2. <a> a for anchor, also known as a hyperlink, or simply a link. To make an actual link using the <a>tag, use the href attribute: <a href="">Link</a>

3. <abbr> Abbr is an abbreviation for abbreviation. Use it with the title attribute to define abbreviations. <abbr title="Cascading Style Sheets">CSS</abbr>. Safari 12.0 hovering the mouse over CSS brings up a little tool tip generated by the abbreviation tag.

4.<address> Contact information for the author. Alternatively, this could be general contact information for the website.

5. <area> Establishes areas in an image map. <area> is always used inside of <map>.

6. <article> The <article> tag is new in HTML5. This tag can be used to contain blog entries, forum posts, etc.

7. <aside> New in HTML5. The <aside> element is for making sidebars that are placed next to the main content.

8. <audio> New in HTML5. The <audio> tag can be used to place an audio stream within an HTML document.

9. <b> For bolding or otherwise styling text without conveying any additional meaning such as with <em> and <strong> and etc.

10. <base> Use to set a base URL.

11. <blockquote> For quoting from an external source. Typically rendered as indented text.

12. <body> Establishes the body of an HTML document.

13. <br> Single line break. Think of br as short for break.

14. <button> Specifies button that can be clicked. Commonly used with forms.

15. <canvas> Used for rendering graphics on the fly, typically in conjunction with a scripting language.

16.<caption> Placed just after <table>, used for table caption.

17. <cite> For citing.

18. <code> For code examples. A little bit like <samp> and <kbd>, but specifically for code.

19. <col> Specify properties of a <col> within a <colgroup>

20. <data> Used for script friendly data.

21. <dd> For description lists. Use with <dt> and <dl>

22. <del> Mark text as deleted without actually deleting it. This will typically be rendered as a strikethrough.

23. <details> New in HTML5. Can be used for additional details which can be hidden or revealed.

24. <div> A divider or a kind of generic container.

25. <em> Emphasis, which I believe often defaults to italics. For something stronger, use <strong>.

26. <embed> New in HTML5. A container for external content.

27. <fieldset> Group related items in a form.

28. <figure> Define self contained content such as photos or diagrams.

29. <footer> The footer of a document, below the main content.

30. <form> Forms for user input.

31. <h1> Level 1 heading, the headline or title of a page.

32. <h2> Level 2 heading, the subtitles of a page.

33. <h3> Level 3 heading.

34. <h4> Level 4 heading.

35. <h5> Level 5 heading.

36. <h6> Level 6 heading.

37. <head> The head section. Used mostly for metadata.

38. <hr> This can be used for separating text within a paragraph. Typically renders as a horizontal line running across the page.

39. <html> The root level tag of an HTML document. All other HTML tags go inside the HTML tag.

40. <i> The <i> element has changed a little in HTML5. It can still make text italicized, and I think that is often the default behavior, however, this depends on the stylesheet.

41. <img> For displaying images on a webpage. Example: <img src="image.png">

42. <input> Input is used with various attributes to create form input elements.

43. <kbd> Used for keyboard input. This is different from form element text input.

44. <keygen> Used for authentication with a security certificate.

45. <label> For assigning labels to interface elements such as forms.

46. <legend> Useful for making forms easier to understand.

47. <li> This represents a list item with an <ol> (ordered list) or <ul> (unordered list).

48. <link> Used for linking to external resources. Typically seen in <head> referring to an external style sheet. Different from the <a> (anchor) tag.

49. <main> New to HTML5. These tags enclose the main content of an HTML document.

50. <map> Used when defining an image map.

51. <mark> This is essentially used for highlighting. Of course, whether or not highlighting is actually involved depends on the involved stylesheet.

52. <menu> Used for creating various kinds of menus. This is new to HTML 5.1.

53. <menuitem> Specify actions that can be taken with a menu.

54. <meta> Used for specifying various meta information about the document. Meta tags are used within the document <head>.

55. <meter> Used to represent a number when the minimum and maximum is known, for example 10%.

56. <nav> Used for specifying a navigational region within a document.

57. <noscript> For anyone using scripts within their pages, <noscript> is useful for specifying content that should be rendered when scripting isn’t supported.

58. <object> For embedding objects within a document.

59. <ol> Ordered list (1. 2. 3.). Use with list item <li>.

60. <optgroup> For grouping objects.

61. <option> Used within the <select> tag to specify an option.

62. <output> Displays the output of an action, such as from a script or form.

63. <p> Paragraph. Enclose paragraphs in an article within <p> tags.

64. <param> Use when parameters need to be passed to an object embedded within the document.

65. <pre> For preformatted text. This can be useful for demonstrating code, especially if there are multiple lines.

66. <progress> Display the progress of an action, such as with a script.

67. <q> Quote from some source.

68. <rb> For Ruby annotations.

69. <rp> Specify text to be displayed when Ruby annotations are not supported by the browser.

70. <rt> Text component of a Ruby annotation.

71. <rtc> Ruby Text Container.

72. <ruby> Also used for Ruby annotation.

73. <s> For marking up text that is not longer relevant, applicable, or accurate.

74. <samp> Sample output one might get from a particular computer program.

75. <script> Scripts inside of an HTML document are enclosed in the script tags.

76. <section> A nonspecific means of breaking up content within a webpage into sections.

77. <select> Used with <option> for selecting a particular option.

78. <small> Typically used for small print. Useful for comments within the main content.

79. <source> Used with <audio> and <video> for specifying media source.

80. <span> Useful for applying styles to or around text, especially inline.

81. <strong> The enclosed text is of strong importance.

82. <style> For declaring style sheets within a document.

83. <sub> For displaying subscript. Useful for math, especially in conjunction with <sup> (superscript).

84. <summary> Used in conjunction with the <details> tag for specifying a summary.

85. <sup> For displaying superscript. Useful for math, especially in conjunction with <sub> (subscript).

86.<table> For making tables in an HTML page.

87. <tbody> Groups table rows.

88. <td> Table data; this represents a data cell within a table.

89. <template> Declares HTML snippets that can be used later.

90. <textarea> For multi-line text entry.

91.<tfoot> Table footer.

92. <th> Table header cell.

93. <thead> Table header row.

94. <time> Specifies the date/time within a document.

95. <title> The title of an HTML document.

96. <tr> A row within a table.

97. <track> Used to specify text tracks with <audio> and <video>.

98. <u> Useful for annotating text for various reasons. No longer specifically for underlining, although you can of course still do that with CSS.

99. <ul> Unordered list. Use with <li> (list item) to make unordered lists.

100. <var> Defines a variable within the content of an HTML page.

101. <video> For embedding video within an HTML page.

102. <wbr> The optional line wrap.

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