201. The DAD (Depth Area Duration) analysis for a catchment would indicate that
for a given area, the maximum average depth of rainfall increases with storm duration
202. Permanent wilting point is a soil characteristic
203. Conjuctive use of water in a basin means combined use of surface and ground water resources
204. The tractive force method of designing stable channels is applicable to channels
(i) in coarse non-cohesive material
(ii) carrying clear water
205. As per Shield's criteria for the initiation of bed motion, the entertainment function is a unique function of
Shear Reynolds number
206. Rigid boundary canals, whose bed and banks are made with non-erodible
materials, are in permanent regime
207. In which of the following section a breast wall is usually provided head regulator
208. The most ideal condition for energy dissipation for the design of spillways is
when the tail water curve coincides with jump height curve at all discharges
209. The ordinate of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment at anytime t, is the s'ope of the S-curve with effective rainfall intensity of 1 cm/h
210. The leaching requirement of a soil is 10%. If the consumptive use requirement of the crop is 90 mm, then the depth of water required to be applied to the field is
100 mm
211. Which of the following pairs are correctly, matched?
212. The ordinates of a 3-hour unit hydrograph for a small catchment are given below:
If the design storm produces net rainfall depths of 4.6 cm and 3.5 cm in successive
unit periods, and if the base flow is 2 m³/s, then the peak flood flow (in m³/s) will
nearly be
213. A 4-hour rainfall in a catchment of 250 km² produces rainfall depths of 6.2 cm
and 5.0 cm in successive 2-hour unit periods. Assuming the Φ index of the soil
to be 1.2 cm/hour, the run-off volume in ha-m will be 1600
214. A 3-hour unit hydrograph (UH) differs from a 6-hour UH, for any catchment, in
that the time of rise is less but the peak ordinate is greater for the former as compared to that of the latter
215. As per the recommendations of the ISI (NBS), the shape of a lined canal is
216. Figure 3.1 shows the curve of a hydrograph
Which of the following would cause the peak of the curve to shift to the right?
1. When the length of the overland flow is more.
2. When the slope of the land surface is less
A. Land capability-U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Classification B. Sandy soil-Drip irrigation C. Consumptive use of a crop-Blaney Criddle formula D. Water flow measurement-Parshall flume
218. A tropical cyclone in the northern hemisphere is a zone of
low pressure with anticlockwise wind
219. If one wants to be 90% sure that the design flood in a dam project will not occur during the design life period of 100 years, the recurrence interval for such a flood would be roughly 1000 years
220. A channel designed by Lacey's theory has a mean velocity of one m/s. The silt factor is unity. The hydraulic mean radius will be 2.5 m