21.If the intensity of rainfall is more than the infiltration capacity of soil, then the
infiltration rate will be equal to infiltration capacity
22.Cyclonic precipitation is caused by lifting of an air mass due to pressure difference
23.Which of the following is a non-recording raingauge ?
Simon's raingauge
24.A raingauge should preferably be fixed in an open space
25.If allowable percentage error in the estimate of basic rainfall is E and coefficient of variation of rainfall is Cv,then the optimum number of raingauges is
given by
26.Which of the following types of rain gauges is used for measuring rain in remote hilly inaccessible areas ? tipping bucket type
27.Rate of evaporation from a water surface increases if
difference of vapour pressure between water and air is increased,concentration of soluble solids in water is decreased
28.A 70% index of wetness means rain deficiency of 30%
29.Under the same conditions, which of the following shapes of water surface will
give the highest rate of evaporation ? convex water surface
30.To estimate the rainfall over a catchment, the number of rain gauges required per unit area is large for hilly areas.Rainfall gradient is steep.
31.When surface of transpiration is submerged under water, then potential
evapotranspiration is much more than evapotranspiration
32.Coefficient of variation is given by (standard deviation/mean) X 100
33.Unit of runoff in M.K.S. system is cubic metre/sec
34.The runoff increases with increase in intensity of rain
35.The area between the isohyets 45 cm and 55 cm is 100 square km and between 55 cm and 65 cm is 150 square km. The average depth of annual precipitation over
the above basin of 250 square km will be 56 cm
36.A current meter is used to measure the velocity of flow of water
37.If it rains between 2 P.M. and 3 P.M. and the entire basin area just starts contributing water at 3 P.M. to the outlet, then time of concentration will be
60 minutes
38. The rainfall on five successive days were measured as 100 mm, 80 mm, 60 mm, 40 mm and 20 mm' respectively. If the infiltration index or the storm loss rate for the catchment area is earlier estimated as 50 mm/day, the total surface run off will be 90 mm
39.The normal annual precipitation at stations X, A, B and C are 700 mm, 1000
mm, 900 mm and 800 mm respectively. If the storm precipitation at three station A, B and C were 100 mm, 90 mm and 80 mm respectively, then the storm precipitation for station X will be 70 mm
40.The best unit duration of storm for a unit hydrograph is one-fourth of basin lag