1. Residual soils are formed by-none of the above
2. Water content of soil can-be greater than 100 %
3. Which of the following types of soil is transported by gravitational forces ?
4. A fully saturated soil is said to be-two phase system with soil and water
5. Valid range for S, the degree of saturation of soil in percentage is-0 < S < 100
6. The submerged density of soil in terms of unit weight of water γw, specific gravity G and voids ratio e is given by the expression-
7.A soil has a bulk density of 22 kN/m3 and water content 10 %. The dry density of soil is-20.0 kN/m3
8.If the voids of a soil mass are full of air only, the soil is termed as-dry soil
9.Valid range for n, the percentage voids, is-0<n<100
10.Unit weight of soil decreases due to submergence in water
11.Voids ratio of a soil mass can-take any value greater than zero
12.If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids in a soil mass, then the
values of porosity and voids ratio respectively are-0.5 and 1.0
13.When the degree of saturation is zero, the soil mass under consideration represents-two phase system with soil and air
14.correct range of density index,ID-0 < lo < l
15. If the degree of saturation of a partially saturated soil is 60%, then air content of
the soil is-40%
16. If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, then the voids ratio of
the sample is-equal to specific gravity of soil
17.The ratio of volume of voids to the total volume of soil mass is called-porosity
18.Relative density of a compacted dense sand is approximately equal to-0.95
19.If the sand in-situ is in its densest state, then the relative density of sand is-1
20.Which of the following methods is most accurate for the determination of the water content of soil ?-oven drying method