381. Phreatic line in an earth dam is
1. the topmost flow line with zero water pressure.
2. approximately a parabola
382. A soil has mass unit weight r, water content w (as ratio). The specific gravity
of soil solids = G, unit weight of water = rš , 'S', the degree of saturation of the soil
is given by
383. Shear failure of soils takes place when the angle of obliquity is maximum
384. A triaxial test was conducted on a granular soil. At failure Ļā/Ļā = 4. The effective minor principal stress at failure was 100 kPa. The values of approximate Ī¦ and the principal stress difference at failure are, respectively
37Ā°and 300 kPa
385. In a Mohr's diagram, a point above Mohr's envelope indicates
imaginary condition
386. Consider the following statements:
Ranking's theory and Coulomb's theory give same values of coefficients of active
and passive earth pressures when
1. the retaining wall has a vertical back.
2. the backfill is cohesionless.
3. angle of slope of backfill is 0Ā°.
4. angle of wall friction Ī“ is 0Ā°
1. Any movement of retaining wall away from the fill corresponds to active
earth pressure condition.
388. A rectangular footing LxB is to be placed at a depth D below ground level such that D/B < 2.5. The factor Nšø to be used in deciding on the allowable bearing capacity for the footing as given by Skempton is calculated using the equation (where N c =NC for rectangular footing, Nšøā = Nšø at surface)
389. Consider the following statements associated with local shear failure of soils:
1. Failure is sudden with well-defined ultimate load.
2. Failure is preceded by large settlement.
390. Minimum centre to centre spacing of friction piles of diameter (D) as per BIS
code is 3D
391. A good quality undisturbed soil sample is one which is obtained using a sampling tube having an area ratio of 8%
392. Which one of the following tests cannot be done without undisturbed sampling? shear strength of clay
393. Consider the following statements: The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) in
soils is the most commonly used field test. SPT is used to determine
1. relative density of sands.
2. drained shear strength of fine loose sand
A.Stability of a clay foundation of an embankment, whose rate of construction is such that some consolidation occurs-Consolidated undrained test B. Initial stability of a footing on saturated clay- n-rained riaxial est C. Long-term stability of a slope in stiff, fissured clay-Drained triaxial test D. Foundation on soft marine clay deposits- Quick vane shear test
396. If an unconfined compressive strength of 4 kg/cm2 in the natural state of clay
reduces by four times in the remoulded state, then its sensitivity will be 4
397.In a direct shear test, the shear stress and normal stress on a dry sand sample at failure are 0.6 kg/cmĀ² and 1 kg/cmĀ² respectively. The angle of internal friction
of the sand will be nearly 31Ā°
398.If an infinite slope of clay at a depth 5 m has cohesion of 1 t/mĀ² and unit wt. of 2 t/mĀ³ ,then the stability number will be 0.1
399.Which one of the following typical pressure distribution diagrams (Fig. 8.26)
represents the lateral pressure distribution on braced sheeting in stiff clay with temporary support, as given by Tschebotarioff?
400.Given that c = 2 t/mĀ² , Ī¦ = 0Ā° and Ī³ = 2t/mĀ³ the depth of tension crack developing in a cohesive soil backfill would be 2 m