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Soil Mechanics (401-420)

Updated: Apr 28, 2020




Which one of the following pairs of parameters and expressions is not

correctly matched?


403. The three stages which would be relevant to consolidation of a soil deposit includes

1. Initial consolidation

2. Primary consolidation

3. Secondary consolidation


404. As per Terzaghi's equation, the bearing capacity of strip footing resting on

cohesive soil (c = 10 kN/m²) for unit depth and unit width (assume N𝒸 as 5.7) is

57 kN/m²


405. With a vertical point load on the surface when considering the vertical plane

passing through the load, the stress gets reduced by 52.3% at a depth of

1 of unit length


406. Ratio of bearing capacity of double Under Reamed (U.R.) pile to that of single U.R. pile is nearly 1.5


407. A raft of 6 m x 9 m is founded at a depthof 3 m in a cohesive soil having c = 120 kN/m². The ultimate net bearing capacity of the soil using Terzaghi's theory will be nearly 820 KN/m²


408. The standard penetration resistance N of a granular deposit is found to be 20. The soil can be classified approximately in terms of Φ and density index respectively

32° and 50 % for medium condition


409. If the proportion of soil passing 75 micron sieve is 50% and the liquid limit and plastic limit are 40% and 20% respectively, then the group index of the soil is



a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct

explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct

explanation of A

c) A is true but R is false

d) A is false but R is true


410. Assertion A : Black cotton soils are expansive soils.

Reason R : Black cotton soils are residual soils c


411. Assertion A : Lowering of ground water table causes settlement.

Reason R : Removal of neutral pressure increases the effective pressure



412. Assertion A : A rigid footing resting on sand layer and carrying uniformly

distributed load develops contact pressure, the magnitude of which is less at the edges than at the center of footing.

Reason R : In the case of a rigid footing, the settlement has to be uniform for which the contact pressure distribution is non-uniform.



413. Assertion A : Transition stage from semisolid state to solid state of soil is

termed as shrinkage limit.

Reason R : After the semisolid state, any reduction in water content will cause

shrinkage in the volume of the soil



414. Assertion A : The rate of settlement of buildings constructed on sandy clays are faster than those constructed on clayey soils.

Reason R : The rate of consolidation is dependent on permeability of soils.



415. Assertion A : Boussinesq equation is not suitable for sedimentary deposits.

Reason R : Sedimentary deposits do not represent an isotropic and

homogeneous system. a


416. Assertion A : All theoretical approaches indicate that at greater depths, bearing

capacity of pile base in sand is practically independent of its size and is proportional to overburden.

Reason R : When the depth of overburden is very great, the value of the

term "1/2γBNγ" of the bearing capacity equation is neglected for all practical

purposes d


417. Assertion A : Plate load test is a field test to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of soil and also the probable settlement under a given loading

Reason R : The plate load test does not give the ultimate settlement, particularly

in the case of cohesive soils b


418. Assertion A : The quick sand leading to liquefaction is not a type of sand but a

flow condition occurring within a cohesionless soil when its effective pressure is reduced to zero.

Reason R : Equal amounts of the upward water pressure and the downward

pressure of the submerged soil mass are acting a


419. Assertion A :Terzaghi's bearing capacity theory is not applied to deep foundations.

Reason R : Shear strength is mobilized on the sides of deep foundations. c


420. Assertion A : Bearing capacity of an under-reamed pile is less than that of a

straight bored pile of the same diameter.

Reason R : Under-reamed piles have enlarged bulbs d

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