121. Sensitivity of a soil can be defined as ratio of compressive strength of
unconfined undisturbed soil to that of soil in a remoulded state
122. Rankine's theory of earth pressure assumes that the back of the wall is
vertical and smooth
123. The coefficient of active earth pressure for a loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30° is 1/3
124. The major principal stress in an element of cohesionless soil within the backfill of a vertical if the soil is in an active state of plastic equilibrium
125. Passive earth pressure in a soil mass is proportional to
where μ is Poisson's ratio and Φ is the effective angle of internal friction of soil
126. The effect of cohesion on a soil is to reduce the active earth pressure in
tensity but to increase the passive earth pressure intensity
127. A retaining wall 6m high supports a backfill with a surcharge angle of 10°. The
back of the wall is inclined to the vertical at a positive batter angle of 5°. If the angle of wall friction is 7°, then the resultant active earth pressure will act at a distance of 2 m above the base and inclined to the horizontal at an angle of
128. Coefficient of earth pressure at rest is greater than active earth pressure but
less than passive earth pressure
129. If the top surface of the backfill of a retaining wall is inclined to the horizontal
at an angle β, then the coefficient of passive earth pressure is equal to
130. The critical height of an unsupported vertical cut in a cohesive soil is given by
131. Total lateral earth pressure is proportional to square of depth of soil
132.Cohesive soils are poor for backfill because of large lateral pressure
133.Which of the following earth pressure theories is directly applicable to bulk
134. Taylor's stability number is equal to
135. For a base failure, the depth factor Df is D f> 1
136.Base failure of a finite slope occurs when the soil below the toe is relatively soft and weak
137.Bishop's method of stability analysis assumes the slip surface as an arc of a
138.Allowable bearing pressure for a foundation depends upon both allowable settlement and ultimate bearing capacity
139.According to Rankine's analysis, minimum depth of foundation is equal to
where q = intensity of loading
γ = unit weight of soil
Φ = angle of internal friction
140.According to Terzaghi's theory, the. ultimate bearing capacity at ground surface for a purely cohesive soil and for a smooth base of a strip footing is
5.14 C