81. A laminated spring is supported at centre and loaded at ends
82. Laminated springs are subjected to bending stress
83. Deflection in a leaf spring is more if its stiffness is less
84. A carriage spring of span / consists of n plates each of thickness t and width b. If the spring carries a load W and modulus of elasticity of the spring is E, then the
central deflection of the spring is

85. Buckling load for a given column depends upon both length and least lateral
86. When both ends of a column are fixed, the crippling load is P. If one end of the
column is made free, the value of crippling load will be changed to P/16
87. Euler's formula for a mild steel long column hinged at both ends is not valid
for slendemess ratio less than 80
88. A long column has maximum crippling load when its both ends are fixed
89. Effective length of a chimney of 20 m height is taken as 40 m
90. Rankine's formula for column is valid when slendemess ratio has any value
91. Slendemess ratio of a 5 m long column hinged at both ends and having a circular cross-section with diameter 160 mm is 125
92. Effective length of a column fixed at one end and hinged at the other end is
93. The effect of arching a beam is to reduce benctfng moment throughout
94. Internal forces at every cross-section in a arch are normal thrust; shear force and bending moment
95. According to Eddy's theorem, the vertical intercept between the linear arch and the centre line of actual arch at any point represents to some scale
bending moment
96. Due to rise in temperature in a three hinged arch, induced stress is
97. In a three hinged arch, the linear and the actual arch meet at at least three points
98. If a three hinged parabolic arch carries a uniformly distributed load over the entire span, then any section of the arch is subjected to normal thrust only
99. Three hinged arch is statically determinate
100. If the central rise of a symmetrical parabolic arch is h, then the rise of arch at
quarter points is 3h/4