Due to uniformly distributed load,maximum reaction at support B for the
beam shown in Fig. 12.14 will be when
entire span is loaded
62. The influence line for force in member DC of the truss, shown below will be
In the beam shown in Fig. 12.16, if thedisplacement at C due to load W at B is 5
mm, then the displacement at B due to a load of 0.2 W at C will be 1 mm
The flexibility matrix corresponding to coordinates 1 and 2 for the structure shown
in Fig. 12.17 is
65. The element 3EI s of flexibility matrix of a structure are dependent on the choice of coordinates
66.The displacement method is more useful when degree of kinematic
indeterminacy is less than the degree of static indeterminacy, The force method is more useful when degree of static indeterminacy is less than the degree of kinematic indeterminacy
67.Flexibility matrix is a square symmetrical matrix,Stiffness matrix is a square
-symmetrical matrix
68. To generate the j th column of the flexibility matrix a unit force is applied at coordinate j and the displacements are calculated at all coordinates
69. For stable structures, one of the important properties of flexibility and stiffness
matrices is that the elements on the main diagonal
of a stiffness matrix must be positive,of a flexibility matrix must be
70. The strain energy of a structure due to bending is given by
71. Effects of shear force and axial force on plastic moment capacity of a structure are respectively to decrease and decrease
72. For the structure shown in Fig. 12.18, the ratio of relative stiffness for AB and AC is
73.When a unit rotation is given at end A of the beam shown in Fig. 12.19, the moment produced at end B will be
74.Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method ?
column analogy method
75. Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a displacement method ?moment distribution method
76. In the displacement method of structural analysis, the basic unknowns are
77. The fixed support in a real beam becomes in the conjugate beam a
free end
78. The width of the analogous column in the method of column analogy is 1/EI
79. A simply supported beam deflects by 5 mm when it is subjected to a concentrated load of 10 kN at its centre. What will be deflection in a 1/10 model of the beam if the model is subjected to a 1 kN load at its centre ? 5 mm
80. The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called