301. If the standard meridian is 82°30' E and the standard time at longitude 90° E is known to be 8 hr 30 m, the corresponding local mean time at the place will be
9 hr 00 m
302. Given that Scale of photograph is 1 cm = 100 m Size of photograph=23 cm x 23 cm Area to be covered=150 sq. km Longitudinal ovelap=60% Side overlap=30%
The total number of photographs required for covering the above area is 101
303. The smallest scale adopted for topographical surveys is 1 :2,50,000
304. An imaginary line passing through the optical centre of the objective and the
optical centre of the eye-piece in the telescope or a surveying instrument is
called the optical axis of the telescope
305. The ratio of the "standard error of a single observation of unit weight" to the standard error of the arithmetic mean of 'n' observations, all of unit weight, will be
306. During the measurement of a line by chain or tape in slopes, if the length of the line is T and height difference between the ends of the line is 'h', then the correction to the measured length is more than h²/2l by h⁴/8l³
307. In an old map, line PQ was drawn to a magnetic bearing of 6° 32', the magnetic declination at that time being 1° East. The present magnetic declination is 9° 42' East. The magnetic bearing to which the line is set at present is
357° 50'
308. The distance between two bench marks is 1000 m. If during levelling, the total error due to collimation, curvature and refraction is found to be + 0.120 m, then the magnitude of the collimation error is 0.0527 m
309. When the bubble of a level tube was moved by 10 divisions, the change in staff intercept was 0.05 m. If the distance between the staff and the instrument was 100 m, then the sensitiveness of the bubble tube is given by 10.3 sec of arc
310. In trigonometric levelling, if the horizontal distance between the instrument and the object is 3088 m, the coefficient of refraction is 0.07 and R sin 1" = 30.88 m, then the refraction correction in angular measure would be 7.0"
311. In the given formula formats, L is the length of a base line split into V equal
segments each of length 'd' Cy ,O1 ,O2 ,On+i are the ordinates at the sequential
ends of the segments and M b M2, Mn are the mid-ordinates of successive
segments. Which of the following pairs of rules and the formulae for computation of the area standing on the base line are correctly matched?
312.A circle of radius 7 m has a standard error of 0.02 m on the radius. The standard error of its area is 0.88 m²
313. Fore bearings (FB) and back bearings (BB) of lines PQ and QR have been
measured as
The correct value of the interior angle PQR willbe
109° 30'
314. The fix of a plane table from three known points is good if the middle station is the nearest
315. If the azimuths of the two tangents to a circular curve of radius 100 m are due
north and due east, then the area bounded by the two tangents and the circular curve will be 2143 sq.m
316. Consider the following statements associated with the laws of weights in the
theory of errors.
1. If an equation is multiplied by its own weight, then the weight of the resulting equation is equal to the reciprocal of the weight of that equation
2. If the quantity of a given weight is divided by a factor, then the weight of
the result is obtained by multiplying its given weight by the square of that
317. In the tangential method of techeometry, the following notations have been used :
α1 = angle of elevation corresponding to upper vane
α2 = angle of elevation corresponding to lower vane
D = horizontal distance
V = vertical distance
In this context, match list I (Quantity to be computed under the given conditions)
with List II (Equation to be used) and select the correct answer using the codes
given below the lists:S = distance between the vanes-staff intercept
318 1. The sum of the three angles is less than six right angles and greater than two right angles.
2. The sum of two sides is greater than the third side.
3. The smaller angle is opposite the smaller side and vice versa.
319. A 3000 m long line lying at an elevation of 450 m measures 10 cm on a vertical photograph. The focal length of the camera is 21 cm. The scale of
photograph for the area having elevation of 1000 m will be
1.2738 l
320. Which of the following statements about photogrammetric surveying is correct ? The relief displacement - decreases with increase in flying