1 Surveying scales is largest - small paper to ground ratio.
2 Geodetic surveying is different from plane surveying because of-the curvature of the earth.
3 The error due to bad ranging-cumulative; positive.
4 Offsets' are-short measurements from chain line.
5 used for base line measurements-invar tape.
6 An invar tape is made of an alloy of-nickel and steel.
7 Number of links in a 30 m metric chain is-150.
8 Ranging' is the process of-aligning the chain in a straight line
between two extremities.
9 working from whole to part' is used in surveying because-accumulation of errors is prevented.
10 A metallic tape is made of-cloth and wires.
11 For a well-conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than-30.
12 The position of a point can be fixed more accurately by-perpendicular offsets.
13 The main object of running a tie line is-to take details of nearby objects.
14 an obstacle to chaining but not to ranging-river.
15 A building is an obstacle to-both chaining and ranging.
16 The angle of intersection of the two plane mirrors of an optical square is-45.
17 angles can be set out with the help of French cross staff-either 45° or 90°.
18 method of perpendicular offsets-involves less measurement on the ground.
19 The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is -1 in 250.
20 The correction for sag is-always subtractive.
21 Cross staff is an instrument used for-setting out right angles.
22 Normal tension is that pull which-neutralizes the effect due to pull and sag
23 not used in measuring perpendicular offsets-line ranger.
24 If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing-it can be adjusted by-straightening the links.
25 The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is-±5 mm.
26 The length of a chain is measured from-outside of one handle to outside of
other handle.
27 In the prismatic compass-the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box.
28 The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called-declination.
29 A negative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the-western side of the true meridian.
30 Agate cap is fitted with a-prismatic compass.
31 Theodolite is an instrument used for-measurement of both horizontal and
vertical angles.
32 Size of a theodolite is specified by-the diameter of lower plate.
33 A telescope is said to be inverted if its-vertical circle is to its right and the
bubble of the telescope is down.
34 The following sights are taken on a "turning point"-foresight and backsight.
35 In an internal focussing type of telescope, the lens provided is-concave.
36 Height of instrument method of levelling is-quicker and less tedious for large
number of intermediate sights.
37 The difference between a level line and a horizontal line is that- level line is a curved line while horizontal line is a straight line.
38 With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube-decreases.
39 Sensitiveness of a level tube is designated by-radius of level tube.
40 Contour interval is-inversely proportional to the scale of the map.
41 The suitable contour interval for a map with scale 1 : 10000 is-2m.
42 A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a-steep slope.
43 Direct method of contouring is-most accurate method.
44 Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a-hillock.
45 Contour interval is-the vertical distance between two consecutive contours.
46 Benchmark is established by-spirit levelling.
47 The type of surveying which requires least office work is-plane table surveying.
48 Intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for-hilly areas.
49 Detailed plotting is generally done by-radiation.
50 The size of a plane table is-600 mm x 750 mm.
51 The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is- plumbing fork.
52 The two point problem and three point problem are methods of-resection and orientation.
53 The resection by two point problem as compared to three point problem-requires more labour.
54 The methods used for locating the plane table stations are traversing,resection.
55 Bowditch rule is applied to-a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error 56 Subtense bar is an instrument used for-measurement of horizontal distances in plane areas.
57 Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using-transition curve.
58 Different grades are joined together by a-vertical curve.
59 Total angle of deflection of a transition curve is-spiral angle /3.
60 The shape of the vertical curve generally provided is-parabolic.
61 Agonic line is the line joining points having-zero declination.
62 Parallax bar is used to measure-parallax difference.