Properties of Metal stress and Strain
Important Mechanical properties
Stress and strain
Limit of Proportionality
Plastic Range
Yeild Point
Rupture Strength
Proof Stress
Type of Tension failure in Metal
Ductile metal (Shear failure)
Brittle metal
Type of failure in compession
Ductile material
Brittle material
Behaviour of various material
Hooke's Law
Axial elogation (∆) of prismatic bar due to external load
Deflection of bar (∆) due to self weight
Prismatic bar
Conical bar
Deflection (∆) of Tapered Bar
Circular tapering bar
Rectangular tapering bar
Equivalent Young's Modulus of Parellel Coposite Bar
Elastc Constants
Poisson's Ratio (μ)
Volumetric Strain Tri-Axial Loading
Uni-axial Loading on Rectangular Parallelopipe
Triaxial loading on Rectangular Parallelopipe
Volumetric Strain of Cylindrical bar
Matrix Representation of Stress and Strain
Relation between E,G,K,μ
Strain Energy
Proof Resilience
Thermal Stress and Strain
Shear Force and bending moment
Types of Beam
Simply Supported Beam
Fixed Beam
Cantilever beam
Continuous Beam
Shear Force
Sign Convention
Bending Moment
Relationship Between Bending Moment (M),Shear Force(S) and loading Rate (w)
Principle Stress/ Principal Strain
Principal Stress
Sign Conventions
Analytic Method Analysis
Graphical method of analysis/Mohr's Circle
Analysis of strain
Theory of Failure
Maximum Principal stress theory
Maximum Principal strain theory (ST.Vecant's theory)
Maximum Shear stress theory (Guest & Tresca's theory)
Maximum Strain energy theory (Haigh's theory)
Maximum shear strain energy/Distortion energy theory/Mises-Henky theory
Deflection of beam
Method of Determining Deflection of beam
Double integration method
Moment area method
Stain energy method
Conjugate beam method
Deflection of Beam Under Different Loading /Support Condition
Pressure vessel
Types of Pressure Vessels
Thin shells
Thick shells
Nature of stress in thin cylinder shell subjected to internal pressure
Analysis of thin cylinder
Logitudinal Stress
Hoop Stress
Logitudinal Strain
Hoop strain
Ratio of Hoop Strain to Logitudinal Strain
Volumetric strain of Cylinder
Absolute max shear stress
Analysis of thin sphere
Hoop Stress/Logitudinal stress
Hoop strain/Logitudinal strain
Volumetric strain of sphere
Analysis of Thick Cylinder/ Lame's Theoram
Lame's Assumption
Lame's equation
Subjected to internal pressure
Analysis of Thick Spheres
Tortion of Shaft
Equation of Tortion
Sign Convention
Moment of Inertia About Polar Axis
For Solid Circular section
For Hollow Circular section
Compound Shaft
Series Connection
Parallel Connection
Strain energy (U) stored in shaft due to torsion
Effect of Pure Bending on shaft
Effect of Pure Torsion on shaft
Combinde effect of bending and torsion
Shear stress Distribution
Solid Circular Section
Hollow Circular Section
Composite Circular Section
Thin tubler section
Power transmitted in shaft
Shear Centre
Distance of shear centre for importatnt section
Channel Section
Semicircular Section
Open Circular Silt
Columns Strut
Buckling Failure : Euler's Theory
Assumption of Euler's Theory
Limitation of Euler's Formula
Euler's load for different column with different end condition
Slenderness Ratio (λ)
Rankine's Formula
Shape of kern in eccentric loading
Type of spring on the basis of helix angle
Series and parrelel arrangement of springs/Equivalent spring constant
Closed coil helical spring under axial pull
Strain energy stored in spring (U)
Whale's correction factor /stress concentration factor