Static and kinemetic Indeterminancy
Statically Determinate Structures
Statically Indeterminate Structures
Static Indeterminancy
Internal static indeterminacy
Kinematic Inderminacy
Influence line diagram and rolling loads
Simply Supported beam
Simply Supported beam with Overhang
Simply Supported Beam Carrying Internal Hinge
Effect of rolling loads
Influence line diagram for truss members
ILD Inclined members
Three Hinged Arches
Temperature Effect on three hinged Arches
Two Hinged Arches
Temperature Effect on Two Hinged Arches
Reaction Locus for a Two Hinged Arch
Two Hinged Semicircular Arch
Two hinged parabolic Arch
Eddy's Theoram
Method of Structural Analysis
Difference between Force method and Displacement method
Strain Energy method
Strain energy stored due to axial load
Strain energy stored due to bendig
Strain energy stored due to Shear
Strain energy stored due to Shear Force
Strain energy stored due to torsion
Strain energy stored in terms of maximum shear stress
Strain energy stored in hollow circular shaft
Castigliano'ss first theoram
Castigliano'ss second theoram
Bettis law
Maxwells Reciprocal Theorem
Standard cases Deflection
Moment distribution method (Hardy Cross Method)
Stiffness of beam
Carry Over factor
Standard cases
Distribution Factor (D.F)
Relative Stiffness
Slope Deflection method (G.A. Maney Method)
Slope Deflection Equation
Sign Convention
Degree of Static Indeterminacy
Truss Member Carring Zero forces
Interminate Truss
Lack fit in truss