Fundamental Cocept of Surveying
Plane Surveying
Geodetic Surveying
Error Due to use of wrong scale
Error Due to InCorrect Length of chain or tape
Most Probable Value
Linear Mesurements
Tape Corrections
Limiting Length of offset
Compass Surveying and theodolite
Important terms
Designation of Bearing
Transverse Surveying
Latitude and Departure
Independent co-ordinate
Closing Error
Adjustment of closing error
Balancing the trasverse
Bowditch method
Transit method
Axis method
Reduced level
Bench mark
Back Sight
Fore Sight
Intermediate Sight
Height of instrument
Arithmetic Check
Reciprocal levelling
Curvature Correction
Refraction Correction
Combine Correction Due to curvature and refraction
Distance of visible horizon
Sensitiveness of bubble tube
Calculation of Area and volume
Genral method of computing area
Volume mesurement
Tacheometric,curve and hydrographic surveying
Stadia method
Hydrographic Surveying
The tides
Assumption made by equilibrium theory of tides
Vulgar Establishment
Signal and tower
Routine of Trigulation Survey
Intervisibility and Height of stations
Field Astronomy
Relationship between Coordinates
Terrestrial Latitude and Longitude
Nautical Mile
Sperical Triangle
Different Position of star w.r.t Observer
Photogrammetric Surveying
Scale of vertical photograph
Scale of tilted photograph
Overlap in Photographs
Number of photograph to cover given area
Terresterial photogrammetry
Aerial Photogrametry
Photo theodolite
Horizontal and verical angles from terrestrial photograph
Elevation of a point by phographic mesurement
Aerial Photogrammetry
Important Definations
Relation between principle point,plumb point and isocenter
Scale of a vertical photograph
Different scale
Relief Displacement
Irrigation Engineering
Soil moisture
Duty and delta
Relation between duty and delta
Conumptive use determination by use of equations
Irrigation Efficiencies
Irrigation Requirement of crops
Design of stable channel
Kennedy's Theory
Lacey's Theory
Lindley's Theory
Lining of canals
Design of lined canals
Sedimentation Transport Mechanics
Design of Unlined canal